9Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10Love each other with genuine affection,e and take delight in honoring each other.11Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.f 12Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 13When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality--- That's Romans 12:9-13 in the NLT.
This is what I want to be true in my life. This text is commonly referred to as the passage on "Marks of True Christianity". People go by these common denominators for evidence that they are going to heaven. Being good like this scripture is telling to you do is not what is going to get you into heaven. Trusting in Christ as your savior and believing that God sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins and rose again three days later, is how you know that you can get into heaven, a personal relationship with Jesus, trusting in Him as your only way into heaven, and nothing that you can do can get you there.... The verses above would be our response to the salvation the Christ offered us on the cross. We are told to LOVE people! GET OVER OURSELVES AND JUST LOVE! Who ever they are! If they're a killer, love them. Gay? love them! Liar? Love them. Two-faced? Love them. They only put up a front, so you'll never know them? Love them. Unlovable? LOVE THEM!!! The second command( NOT SUGGESTION) is to hate their sin! Who cares what they are struggling with, we are not the ones going to save them out of whatever life style they are living in! Love them, don't recant in the faith, and let God do HIS work! Love people for real. Give them credit where credit is due. Then it gets to serving. Don't slack off and be lazy, get over yourself, and JUST SERVE! You have time to spend 2-6 hours a day on Facebook, watching TV, or other messes. Serve Him with joy, HE is using you for a part of His ministry. He loves us enough to take His time and invest into our lives. He loves us SO much and I know I so often have found myself getting caught up in my own life, and thinking about myself, when Christ should be first. in verse 12 it tells us to rejoice in our confident hope! Because of this salvation we have, because of our perfect Savior, we can be SURE of our eternal destination and our permanent residency! This life that we are living is nothing compared to what our eternity is going to look like. We will go through trials, and tribulations, but in light of eternity, count it all joy! Be patient when you're going through it and never stop praying to Him. Pray with a purpose too. Don't pray just to say you prayed. When you are praying, pray like you mean it and pray with those expectations. He offer us so much if we are just asking Him, earnestly. Be ready to help someone out. Reminds me of Matthew 7:9-11. The Lord has been showing me a ton recently, how selfish i really am, my pride, jealousy, and everything else under the sun. Lord teach me your ways, so I can learn not only how to love you, but how I can love everyone else around me. I am done with pretending. Give me Jesus.